Do you work for a club or sports association and are responsible for marketing issues? Do you run social media channels, attract sponsors, are you responsible for match day organisation? Or, as an executive in a sports organization, are you responsible for creating strategy and setting direction? Check out what we have prepared for SPORTBIZ 2022 participants!

Day I - Tuesday, 17 May

On the first day, we invite you to take part in a conference with the theme "Global trends, local challenges". As at the best festivals, participants will be able to choose from two stages - SPORTBIZ International and SPORTBIZ PL.

SPORTBIZ International
The role of integration in the developmnent and promotion of sport.

  • How to build an effetive cooperation between clubs, leagues and sports associations?
  • How to build relations with business partners?
  • How a league and sports association can support the development of marketing, communication and level of fans' commitment?
SPORTBIZ International
International League Structures in Esports and Applying them to Traditional Sports
  • How to build a pro league in sports?
  • How can pro league model benefit its members?
  • How to gain synergy effects while establishing a pro league – marketing, sponsorship, communication, lobbing?
SPORTBIZ International
The use of advanced technology in commercialising sports organisations’ rights assets.
  • The journey from automated video production and data capturing to fans and viewers.
  • Developing and monetising fan engagement through stats and media packs
  • The impact of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence – what next?

Prove that it works! Effective cooperation of sponsor and sponsored.

Kinchance - how to effectively connect sports, business, new technologies and CSR
  • Africa's sports and business potential
  • Kinchance’s business model – at the interface between sport and technology
  • Competencies and resources of Kinchance
Bringing stadium emotions online. Do sports clubs need OTT platforms?
  • How sports consumer changes nowadays?
  • How the OTT platforms work and how clubs can benefit from OTT?
  • How to create and implement OTT platform?

Check full schedule here!

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